Friday, October 2, 2009

roady thoughts

I just posted my first comment on Big B's blog.
It amazes me how effortlessly people can people risk other’s lives.
Today I accidently broke my specs. It created a big problem for me as another pair of specs was already broken. I instantly phoned my cousin to rush to the optician nearby and request him to keep the shop open for another few more minutes. Then I & my father rushed as soon as possible to the shop so that at least one of the pairs may get repaired. But in our way stood a large caravan of trucks, at just 8:15p.m!!!!
Papa told that the police at the check posts let the trucks enter the city during the times when they’re prohibited to do so, just for 10 or 20 rupees. Are the lives of common people that cheap?
By God’s grace, we reached just in time to get one of my specs repaired. But still, I feel that the best punishment for the corrupt police-people would be to demote them or remove them from service, along with suspension of right to join any public enterprise or government job for the next 10 years.
I’m writing a book on Indian Vedic stories and I request my readers to suggest me a good publication for it.

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