Tuesday, March 30, 2010

30th March , 2010
Allahapur , Allahabad

I've been blogging for so long but I haven't got a single, true follower . All my followers are people I know and I have forced them to follow me . I had thought that they might be able to bring to me more and more followers but I scarcely need to say that they have disappointed me terribly . They all and everyone else I have ever approached to ask to read my blog say that blogging is 'बुड्ढोँ का काम' ।
This degree of disappointment increases when I see even some totally non-creative people have been getting popularity through fake and pirated works . And the followers of their blogs are constantly increasing . This frustation sometimes almost gets better of me .
Anyways , I'm currently too pessimistic to write anything cheerful .

-With lots of love and lotuses,

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